Friday, August 27, 2010

La Paloma Academy, 6th Grade Newsletter

La Paloma Academy
6th Grade Newsletter
August 27, 2010
Mr. Festerling

Students took their first math test on lessons 1-10. Parents are encouraged to review the results of this test with their child. This score can also be found in the student’s planner.
Over the next week the students will study place value, negative numbers, rounding, and a variety of word problems.
It is very important that students master each math concept as the lessons often build on previous concepts. Should students find they need a refresher of a lesson or concept, LPA is fortunate to have Mr. Rubasch available as a resource for small group instruction/review. Please speak with Mr. Festerling to schedule.

Students continue reading Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. Each sixth grader is using note cards to record vocabulary words. These cards will serve as an excellent study tool for the final test. The book report presentations will be on September 8. For a successful book report, students should “chip away” at this long term project a little at a time over the next week if they have not started to do so already.

6th graders are writing an expository piece involving comparing and contrasting. They are completing two graphic organizers prior to writing and will thoroughly proofread and revise their works. This is part of a preassessment for students to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

In 6th Grade Social Studies, the class will use a new set of materials this week called World History Studies Weekly. This series ties together many disciplines such as literature, science, geography, history, current events, and technology. Students will study planet Earth and maintain a “portfolio” folder complete with a table of contents for all classroom notes and projects. Keeping an organized folder will ensure each student will have the necessary material to review for the final test.

The test on cells will be corrected and returned to the students the first part of the week. Students, be sure to share the results with your parents. The ever important scientific method will be the theme next week. Similar to Social Studies, students will keep an organized “portfolio” folder for the unit.

Parents are invited to Open House at La Paloma Academy on September 1, at 6 pm. Students will showcase their recent successes in 6th grade, and Mr. Festerling looks forward to visiting with your families. See you there!

Important Dates . . .

Picture Day . . . . . Aug 30

Open House, 6 pm . . . . . Sept 1

August DIRT due . . . . . Sept 1

Hatchet Book Report due . . . . . Sept 8

Questions for your 6th grader for the upcoming week. . .

 Are you “left or right brained” and what does that mean?
 What is the BeriBeri story from Science class?
 Who was Alfred Wegener and what “jigsaw puzzle” did he study?
 What was Atlas’ punishment by Zeus?

C   L   A   S   S      O   F      2   0   1   7

Monday, August 23, 2010

6th Grade Newsletter, August 20, Festerling

La Paloma Academy
6th Grade Newsletter
August 20, 2010
Mr. Festerling

Students took pre-assessment tests to see how much information they remembered from the sum-mer break. These scores are re-corded in their planners. 6th grade jumped into pre-algebra and order of operations, followed by units of measurement and perime-ter. The first test on lessons 1-10 will be on Thursday, August 26. Over the next week we will study negative numbers, place value, and strategies to solve word problems. Students who would like a chal-lenge can earn extra credit by problem solving the Quizzle of the Week.

The first book for reading class is Newberry Award Winner, Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. Classroom discussions center around literary elements, comprehension and higher level questioning. The final test on Friday, September 3, will consist of short answer questions, vocabulary, and a critical thinking essay question. Stu-dents are to begin working on their book reports which are due Wednes-day, September 8. There are a vari-ety of book report formats that stu-dents’ may select from. Students will present their reports in class.

Students should be reading a mini-mum of 20 to 30 minutes per day 5 days a week and recording their reading on their Daily Independent Reading Time sheet.

We are focusing on basic conventions and sentence structure in English/writing next week. Students worked diligently on their first position paper about “Off-Shore Drilling”.

Science lessons will continue to cover the building blocks of all living things, cells. Students will receive a study guide to help them study for their first science test on Friday, August 27.
Keeping organized is key to a successful year in 6th grade. The stu-dent’s planner is a great tool for staying organized. Not only is the planner where assignments can be found, but the planner can be used as a communication vehicle between home and school. Parents can jot a note in the planner to their child’s teacher and vice versa. Parents can also check in with their 6th grader by reviewing their planner with them regularly.


Math test - Aug 26 (Lessons 1-10)

Science test - Aug 27 (Chapter 1 Cells)

Open House - Sept 1 (6 pm)

August DIRT due - Sept 1

Hatchet test - Sept 3

Hatchet book reports due - Sept 8

Questions for your 6th grader from the week. . .
 How did Simon and Garfunkel use imagery in their lyrics?
 What “intelligence” are you according to Howard Gardner and how might you “learn” best?
 What is the perimeter of a room where you live?
 How does the temperature of water affect the diffusion of food coloring?

C L A S S   O F    2 0 1 7

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear Scholars and Families,

Welcome to 6th grade! I am excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and am looking forward to a happy and productive school year. Curriculum areas we will focus on this year include Math, Writing, Reading, Social Studies, Science, Music, and Art.
Your student should plan to have homework every night. At the end of each day we will be writing the assignments due in their planners. You are welcome to refer to their planner if you are concerned about any missing assignments. All students must use an LPA planner which are available at the front desk for $2.50.
Attendance is very important to the success of each student. Any child who is absent will have work collected and put in a folder to be picked up that day for the student to complete at home. Please note that it may not be possible to make up all assignments missed from absences.

My grading policy is as follows:
Percent    Grade       Percent   Grade         Percent    Grade
97-100    A+            83-86     B               70-72       C-
93-96      A              80-82     B-              67-69       D+
90-92      A-            77-79     C+              63-66       D
87-89      B+            73-76     C                60-62       D-
                                                                  59 or below F
Please refer to the La Paloma Academy student handbook for all school rules. These rules will be followed in our classroom. Please make note of the dress code, and be aware that students can only wear a solid red, white, or blue shirt, sweater or sweatshirt inside my class.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at 721-4205. The best times to reach me are before school from 7:30-8:00 or after school from 3:30-4:00 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday). If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call during the above hours.
Once again, welcome to 6th grade. Let’s work together to make this year successful.

Mr. Festerling